Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lorena Sarbu: My First Lincoln Center Collection!

When I think of Lincoln Center, I think about culture: fashion, music, dance. I never imagined that I would be thinking about my own Fall 2012 eveningwear collection there.

On Sunday, I'll be presenting my first collection at Lincoln Center, the pinnacle of creativity where artists from all over the world show off the spectacular work they do. Thinking back to when I was a little girl growing up in Romania designing dresses for my dolls, it's so surreal to think that I am now one of those artists!

Of course I'm nervous, though. About everything running smoothly, about how the collection will be received, about models falling -- or worse, falling myself! But mostly I'm nervous for it all to come to an end. It's been such an experience with so many ups and downs, and my whole team and I have put in so much work culminating in this one hour on Sunday morning. I feel like I won't even know what to do with myself when it's all said and done, except celebrate and relax with my friends and family. After preparing for so long, I couldn't think of anything better to do than be with the people who have supported me through all of this!

The Fall 2012 collection in particular is very special to me because I designed it from such an emotional place. As a designer, you are constantly in a process of self-discovery, and I think that process has really peaked for me this season. I feel more empowered and confident than ever in my abilities, which I really hope comes through in the collection.

I'm so excited and grateful to have a platform as incredible as Lincoln Center to express myself, to show my work, and to get feedback from those whose opinions I value. I can't help but think about back when I would read the newspaper about Fashion Week shows of designers I truly admire -- now to be showing my work amongst theirs is such an amazing achievement and an incredible honor for me as a designer. I am thrilled and can't wait!

Below, see some photos of the final run-up to the big day:



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